Mortgage Forms and Precedents

Smokeball houses thousands of practice area-specific Federal, State, administrative, and publicly available forms. You and your staff will eliminate time and error by knowing that you have the most up-to-date legal documents with accurate information automatically pulled from the Smokeball file.

New South Wales
  • Acknowledgement of Receipt of Memorandum
  • Caveat
  • Client Authorisation Representative
  • Communicate Information Sheet
  • Costs Disclosure and Costs Agreement
  • Deed of Mortgage
  • File Cover Sheet - Mortgage
  • Initial letter to Mortgagee requesting Mortgage Documents
  • Initial letter to Mortgagee with Costs Disclosure
  • Initial letter to Mortgagee's representative requesting Mortgage Documents
  • Initial letter to Mortgagor sending Mortgage Documents
  • Initial letter to Mortgagor with Costs Disclosure
  • Initial letter to Mortgagor's representative sending Mortgage Documents
  • Instruction Sheet - Mortgage
  • Letter of offer to Mortgagor
  • Letter to Mortgagee finalising matter
  • Letter to Mortgagee returning documents
  • Letter to Mortgagee to sign documents
  • Letter to Mortgagee's representative returning documents
  • Letter to Mortgagor finalising matter
  • Letter to Mortgagor to sign documents
  • Letter to Owner's Corporation with Section 22 Notice
  • National Mortgage Form - NSW
  • Schedule 1 - Declaration by Borrower or Grantor of a Security Interest
  • Schedule 1A - Declaration by Borrower or Grantor of a Security Interest (Corporation)
  • Schedule 1B - Declaration by Borrower or Grantor of a Security Interest (Trustee)
  • Schedule 2 - Declaration by Third Party Mortgagor, Guarantor, Surety Mortgagor or Indemnifier for the Borrower or Grantor of a Security Interest
  • Schedule 2A - Declaration by Third Party Mortgagor, Guarantor, Surety Mortgagor or Indemnifier for the Borrower or Grantor of a Security Interest (Corporation)
  • Schedule 3 - Interpreter's Certificate
  • Schedule 4 Part 1 - Acknowledgement of Legal Advice by Proposed Borrower or Proposed Grantor of a Security Interest
  • Schedule 4 Part 2 - Acknowledgement of Legal Advice by Proposed Guarantor
  • Schedule 4A Part 1 - Acknowledgement of Legal Advice by Proposed Borrower or Proposed Grantor of a Security Interest (Corporation)
  • Schedule 4A Part 2 - Acknowledgement of Legal Advice by Proposed Guarantor (Corporation)
  • Schedule 4B Part 1 - Acknowledgement of Legal Advice by Proposed Borrower or Proposed Grantor of a Security Interest (Trustee)
  • Schedule 4C - Acknowledgement of Legal Advice by Proposed Borrower or Proposed Grantor of a Security Interest or Trustee (Corporation)
  • Section 22 Notice - Notice of Interest of Lease or Mortgage
  • Standard Costs Disclosure Form for Clients - Fees Under $3000 - Schedule 1 Form 1
  • Statutory Declaration - NSW
  • Summary of Mortgage Terms
  • Tax Invoice - Basic Table
  • Verification of Identity Certificate - Electronic Conveyancing
  • Verification of Identity Certificate - Paper Conveyancing
  • Withdrawal of Caveat
  • Acknowledgement of Receipt of Memorandum
  • Australian Legal Practitioner's Certificate 1
  • Australian Legal Practitioner's Certificate 2
  • Australian Legal Practitioner's Certificate 3
  • Australian Legal Practitioner's Certificate 4
  • Client Authorisation Representative
  • Communicate Information Sheet
  • Costs Disclosure and Costs Agreement
  • Deed of Mortgage
  • File Cover Sheet - Mortgage
  • Initial letter to Mortgagee requesting Mortgage Documents
  • Initial letter to Mortgagee with Costs Disclosure
  • Initial letter to Mortgagee's representative requesting Mortgage Documents
  • Initial letter to Mortgagor sending Mortgage Documents
  • Initial letter to Mortgagor with Costs Disclosure
  • Initial letter to Mortgagor's representative sending Mortgage Documents
  • Instruction Sheet - Mortgage
  • Letter of offer to Mortgagor
  • Letter to Mortgagee finalising matter
  • Letter to Mortgagee returning documents
  • Letter to Mortgagee to sign documents
  • Letter to Mortgagee's representative returning documents
  • Letter to Mortgagor finalising matter
  • Letter to Mortgagor to sign documents
  • National Mortgage Form - VIC
  • Standard Costs Disclosure Form for Clients - Fees Under $3000 - Schedule 1 Form 1
  • Statutory Declaration - VIC
  • Summary of Mortgage Terms
  • Tax Invoice - Basic Table
  • Verification of Identity Certificate - Electronic Conveyancing
  • Verification of Identity Certificate - Paper Conveyancing

  • Acknowledgement of Receipt of Memorandum
  • Client Authorisation Representative
  • Communicate Information Sheet
  • Costs Disclosure and Costs Agreement
  • Deed of Mortgage
  • File Cover Sheet - Mortgage
  • Initial letter to Mortgagee requesting Mortgage Documents
  • Initial letter to Mortgagee with Costs Disclosure
  • Initial letter to Mortgagee's representative requesting Mortgage Documents
  • Initial letter to Mortgagor sending Mortgage Documents
  • Initial letter to Mortgagor with Costs Disclosure
  • Initial letter to Mortgagor's representative sending Mortgage Documents
  • Instruction Sheet - Mortgage
  • Letter of offer to Mortgagor
  • Letter to Mortgagee finalising matter
  • Letter to Mortgagee returning documents
  • Letter to Mortgagee to sign documents
  • Letter to Mortgagee's representative returning documents
  • Letter to Mortgagor finalising matter
  • Letter to Mortgagor to sign documents
  • National Mortgage Form - QLD
  • Standard Costs Disclosure Form for Clients - Fees Under $3000 - Schedule 1 Form 1
  • 0tatutory Declaration - QLD
  • Summary of Mortgage Terms
  • Tax Invoice - Basic Table
  • Verification of Identity Certificate - Electronic Conveyancing
  • Verification of Identity Certificate - Paper Conveyancing
South Australia
  • Acknowledgement of Receipt of Memorandum
  • Client Authorisation Representative
  • Communicate Information Sheet
  • Costs Disclosure and Costs Agreement
  • Deed of Mortgage
  • Discharge of Mortgage
  • File Cover Sheet - Discharge of Mortgage
  • File Cover Sheet - Mortgage
  • Initial letter to Mortgagee requesting Mortgage Documents
  • Initial letter to Mortgagee with Costs Disclosure
  • Initial letter to Mortgagee's representative requesting Mortgage Documents
  • Initial letter to Mortgagor sending Mortgage Documents
  • Initial letter to Mortgagor with Costs Disclosure
  • Initial letter to Mortgagor's representative sending Mortgage Documents
  • Instruction Sheet - Mortgage
  • Letter of offer to Mortgagor
  • Letter to Mortgagee finalising matter
  • Letter to Mortgagee returning documents
  • Letter to Mortgagee to sign documents
  • Letter to Mortgagee's representative returning documents
  • Letter to Mortgagor finalising matter
  • Letter to Mortgagor to sign documents
  • National Mortgage Form - SA
  • Standard Costs Disclosure Form for Clients - Fees Under $3000 - Schedule 1 Form 1
  • Statutory Declaration - SA
  • Summary of Mortgage Terms
  • Tax Invoice - Basic Table
  • Verification of Identity Certificate - Electronic Conveyancing
  • Verification of Identity Certificate - Paper Conveyancing

See Conveyancing for all Discharge Authorities.

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