Family Law Forms and Precedents

Smokeball houses thousands of practice area-specific Federal, State, administrative, and publicly available forms. You and your staff will eliminate time and error by knowing that you have the most up-to-date legal documents with accurate information automatically pulled from the Smokeball file.


  • Acknowledgement of Service (Divorce)
  • Affidavit
  • Affidavit - Non-Filing of FDR Certificate
  • Affidavit for E-Filing Application (Divorce)
  • Affidavit of Service
  • Affidavit of Service by Hand (Divorce)
  • Affidavit of Service by Post (Divorce)
  • Affidavit Proving Signature (Divorce)
  • Affidavit Translation of Marriage Certificate
  • Annexure to Proposed Consent Parenting Order (Current Case)
  • Applicants Genuine Steps Statement
  • Application - Contravention
  • Application - Draft Consent Parenting Orders and Allegations of Abuse or Family Violence
  • Application for Consent Orders
  • Application for Consent Orders - Proposed Orders Template
  • Application for Exemption from Fees - General
  • Application in a Case
  • Application to Register Arbitration Award
  • Balance Sheet
  • Brochure - Duty of Disclosure
  • Brochure - Pre Action Procedure for Financial Cases
  • Brochure - Pre Action Procedure for Parenting Cases
  • Compliance with parenting orders
  • Conciliation Conference Document
  • Counselling Certificate for Applicants Married Less than 2 Years
  • Credit Card Payment Form
  • Fact Sheet - Child Inclusive Conferences
  • Fact Sheet - Family Reports
  • Financial Questionnaire
  • Financial Statement
  • Financial Summary
  • Guide for Practitioners and Parties in Family Law Priority Property Pools under $500,000 cases
  • Information for Persons Served with a Subpoena or Copy of a Subpoena
  • Initiating Application
  • Marriage, Families and Separation Brochure
  • Notice of Address for Service
  • Notice of Appeal
  • Notice of Ceasing to Act
  • Notice of Child Abuse, Family Violence or Risk of Family Violence (Application for Consent Orders)
  • Notice of Child Abuse, Family Violence or Risk of Family Violence (Current Case)
  • Notice of Discontinuance
  • Notice of Intention to Withdraw as Lawyer
  • Notice of Request to Inspect in accordance with FCC Rule 15A.13(1)(c)
  • Notice of Risk
  • Notice of Withdrawal as Lawyer
  • Parenting Questionnaire
  • Reply
  • Request to Attend by Electronic Communication
  • Request to Issue Subpoena
  • Request to Issue Subpoena - Newcastle Registry
  • Respondent's Genuine Steps Statement
  • Response
  • Response to an Application in a Case
  • Response to Divorce
  • Response to Initiating Application
  • Subpoena
  • Superannuation Information Kit
  • Telephone/Video Link Attendance Request
  • Undertaking

  • Annexure - Transfer (Transferor Additional Executions)
  • Annexure - Transfer (Transferor Single Execution)
  • Annexure (General)
  • Application for Exemption - Transfer of Land Used for Primary Production Between Family Members
  • Application for Exemption or Refund - Break-up of a Marriage or De Facto Relationship
  • Application for Exemption or Refund - Break-up of Domestic Relationship
  • Application for First Home Owner Grant (New Homes): 1 July 2014 - 30 June 2017
  • Application for Preparation of Lapsing Notice
  • Application for Reassessment and Refund - Cancelled Agreements for the Sale or Transfer of Dutiable Property
  • Application for Reassessment and Refund - Cancelled Transfers of Dutiable Property Form
  • Application for Replacement Certificate of Title
  • Application Form and Lodgement Guide for First Home Owner Grant (New Homes)
  • Application to Record New Registered Proprietor
  • Authority to Act
  • Cancellation or Extinguishment of Easement
  • Caveat
  • Change of Managing Agent/Owner Form
  • Change of Name
  • Charge
  • Concession from Duty - Transfers to Married Couples and De Facto Partners
  • Conditions of Sale by Auction
  • Consolidation or Change of By-Laws Form
  • Contract for the Sale and Purchase of Land 2019 Edition (Pages  to 3)
  • Contract for the Sale and Purchase of Water Entitlement 2016 Edition (Pages 1 and 2)
  • Conveyancing Rules Exemption Form
  • Cooling Off Notice - 2019 Edition
  • Declaration for GST
  • Deeds Index Particulars
  • Discharge of Charge
  • Discharge of Mortgage
  • Disclosure Statement - Off the Plan Contracts
  • E-Conveyancing - Error Resolution Form
  • Electronic Duties Returns (EDR) - Cancellation Request
  • Enduring Power of Attorney
  • E-Transaction Production Receipt
  • Exemption from Duty - Transfers Between Married Couples and De Facto Partners
  • Extinguishment of Obsolete Restrictive Covenant
  • First Home - New Home Exemption or Concession from Duty - 1 January 2012 - 30 June 2017
  • First Home Buyers Assistance Scheme Application - From 1 July 2017
  • General Power of Attorney
  • Lease
  • Loose-fill Asbestos Insulation Warning
  • Model By-laws for Residential Strata Schemes
  • Modification of Easement
  • National Mortgage Form - Webform User Guide
  • Notice of Death
  • Notice of Death
  • Notice of Rescission
  • Notice of Rescission During Cooling Off Period
  • NSW Fair Trading - Section 184 Certificate
  • NSW Fair Trading - Section 47 Disclosure
  • Positive Covenant
  • Positive Covenant Affecting Land Vested in a Prescribed Authority
  • Primary Application
  • Purchaser or Transferee Declaration - Explanatory Notes and Supporting Evidence
  • Purchaser or Transferee Declaration Form - Corporation
  • Purchaser or Transferee Declaration Form - Individual
  • Release or Extinguishment of Positive Covenant
  • Release or Extinguishment of Restriction on the Use of Land
  • Request
  • Request for CoRD Holder Consent (Transacting Party Consent)
  • Restriction on the Use of Land
  • Restriction on the Use of Land by a Prescribed Authority
  • Section 22 Notice - Notice of Interest of Lease or Mortgage
  • Section 26 Certificate - Community Land Management Act
  • Section 46 Notice - Notice of Interest of Lease or Mortgage
  • Section 66W Certificate
  • Section 88B Instrument
  • Seller's Guide
  • Statutory Declaration - NSW
  • Strata Plan By-Laws
  • Sublease
  • Surrender of Lease
  • Termination of Strata Scheme
  • Transfer
  • Transfer
  • Transfer Altering Tenancy
  • Transfer by a Local Council
  • Transfer by a Local Council
  • Transfer by Mortgagee Under Power of Sale
  • Transfer Creating Profit a Prendre or Forestry Right
  • Transfer Granting Easement
  • Transfer Granting Easement Etc Over Own Land
  • Transfer Including Covenant
  • Transfer Including Easement
  • Transfer of Lease Mortgage or Charge
  • Transfer of Water Licence
  • Transfer Severing Joint Tenancy
  • Transfer Without Monetary Consideration
  • Transfer Without Monetary Consideration
  • Transmission Application by a Devisee, Beneficiary or Next-of-Kin
  • Transmission Application by an Executor, Administrator or Trustee
  • Transmission Application by Devisee, Beneficiary or Next of Kin
  • Variation of Easement
  • Variation of Lease
  • Variation or Modification of a Positive Covenant
  • Variation or Modification of Restriction on the Use of Land
  • Withdrawal of Caveat


  • Affidavit - Separation Under One Roof
  • Affidavit Annexure Sheet - up to 10 Annexures (A-J)
  • Affidavit Annexure Sheet - up to 10 Annexures (Initials and Number)
  • Affidavit in Support of Interim Parenting Orders - FCC
  • Affidavit in Support of Recovery Order - FCC
  • Brief to Counsel
  • Case Outline - Property
  • Chronology
  • Communicate Information Sheet
  • Deed of Release - NSW
  • Divisions 15.5.4-15.5.6 Family Law Rules
  • Exhibit Tender Bundle Cover Page and Index
  • Expert Evidence Practice Note (Federal Court)
  • File Cover Sheet - Children
  • File Cover Sheet - Children and Property
  • File Cover Sheet - Divorce
  • File Cover Sheet - Financial Agreement
  • File Cover Sheet - Independent Children's Lawyer
  • File Cover Sheet - Property
  • Financial Agreement - Section 90B
  • Financial Agreement - Section 90C
  • Financial Agreement - Section 90D
  • Financial Agreement - Section 90UB
  • Financial Agreement - Section 90UC
  • Financial Agreement - Section 90UC & 90B
  • Financial Agreement - Section 90UD
  • Heads of Agreement
  • Index of disclosure documents
  • Initial letter to Client with Cost Disclosure
  • Initial letter to Other Side requesting disclosure
  • Initial letter to Other Side with Offer
  • Instruction Sheet - Children
  • Instruction Sheet - Children and Property
  • Instruction Sheet - Divorce
  • Instruction Sheet - Financial Agreement
  • Instruction Sheet - Property
  • Joint letter to Valuer for Single Expert Valuation
  • Letter to Applicant's Solicitor serving Court documents
  • Letter to Client advising Divorce adjourned
  • Letter to Client advising Divorce granted
  • Letter to Client advising of Family Report interview
  • Letter to Client advising of first Court date
  • Letter to Client advising of Hearing Date
  • Letter to Client attaching Divorce Order and Tax Invoice
  • Letter to Client attaching draft documents and requesting appointment
  • Letter to Client enclosing draft Application for Divorce - Sole Application
  • Letter to Client enclosing draft Financial Agreement
  • Letter to Client enclosing draft letter to Other Side
  • Letter to Client enclosing orders, financial documents and Tax Invoice
  • Letter to Client enclosing sealed orders
  • Letter to Client enclosing sealed orders and Tax Invoice
  • Letter to Client enclosing signed Financial Agreement and Tax Invoice
  • Letter to Client reporting on outcome of Court date
  • Letter to Client requesting appointment
  • Letter to Client's Super Fund enclosing draft Orders or Application
  • Letter to Client's Super Fund enclosing Form 6
  • Letter to Client's Super Fund enclosing Sealed Orders
  • Letter to Court attaching documents for filing
  • Letter to Court with Application for Consent Orders for filing
  • Letter to Entity serving Subpoena
  • Letter to ICL serving Court documents
  • Letter to Legal Agent
  • Letter to Other Side enclosing draft Financial Agreement
  • Letter to Other Side providing Client's disclosure
  • Letter to Other Side serving Application for Divorce
  • Letter to Other Side serving Court documents
  • Letter to Other Side's Solicitor enclosing certified copy
  • Letter to Other Side's Solicitor proposing three Valuers
  • Letter to Other Side's Solicitor providing Client's disclosure
  • Letter to Other Side's Solicitor serving Court documents
  • Letter to Other Side's Super Fund enclosing draft Orders or Application
  • Letter to Other Side's Super Fund enclosing Form 6
  • Letter to Other Side's Super Fund enclosing Sealed Orders
  • Letter to Process Server
  • Letter to Respondent's Solicitor serving Court documents
  • Minute of Orders Sought
  • Orders Clauses - Miscellaneous
  • Orders Clauses - Parenting
  • Orders Clauses - Property
  • Parenting Plan
  • Regulation 72 Notice to Trustee
  • Rule 15.07 Federal Circuit Court Rules
  • Sample Costs Disclosure and Costs Agreement
  • Sample Financial Agreement
  • Standard Costs Disclosure Form for Clients - Fees Under $3000 - Schedule 1 Form 1
  • Superannuation Agreements Checklist
  • Tax Invoice - Basic Table

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